Folks, over the past 20 years I spent 18 of those years taking every energy-healing class ever given. At the time, I though it was worth it.
And I kept noticing much being taught that did NOT seem of importance to me.
But I trusted my trainers.
3 months ago I developed ONE SIMPLE "TEN-SECOND" Protocol that seemed to instantly correct and unclog 99% of all clogged-energies, INSTANTLY!
It seems to work even faster than DRANO works on a clogged-up-sink. Better than WD-40 loosens the rust on an old knife.
I am very good at muscle-testing. I am very good at Clinical energy-work.
I am very good at calibrating clogged-energies.
And I work with athletes, professional, semi-professional and sports enthusiasts, 6 days out of every week.
Today, at the start of fighting class, I one of our students. He is normally a tough young man, aggressive as hell.
But today he looked like a swollen-red-balloon that was about ready to POP.
His energies was so clogged that he looked like a fat-pear with skinny-legs. His energy had BALLOONED-OUT AT THE WAIST AND HIPS and he looked like a pear. His energy-deprived legs looked like fragile toothpicks about to shatter.
1. His 3-Tie-Flows were clogged-up.
a. his neck-tie was clogged-up
b. his belt flow was clogged-up
c. his thigh-flows clogged-up
2. all his downward-energy-flows were so clogged that he looked like a PEAR where every thing seemed to stop at his hips...then went outward.
3. his legs appeared thin, bony and very brittle...except for bright-red bubble of congested and clogged energy in all of his joints...his neck...his elbows...his knees...his sciatic spine...
4. his 2 primary-energy-vessels for his protective-aura very NOT connecting up...
5. 90% of the energies of his head and brain were drastically-clogged, and not crossing over effectively so he has lost about 50% of his immune system, and about 70% of his mental-capabilities.

So I had Darren Van Lehn take him aside and correct the "pear's" drastically clogged-energies with the 10-Second-Declogger.
I'd taught the drill to Darren as part of his advanced Black-Belt Kung-fu healing protocol earlier in the evening.
I came back about 30 minutes later, and the "pear" was no-longer a "pear".
He looked and moved like a very strong, agile and fast Kung-fu fighter.
Want to know more?
PS this is about the ONLY energy-drill I do anymore. And I do it within minutes of getting out of bed every morning.
Then I do it again just before I train my Kung-Fu Fighters.
And none of that bullshit about 2 sessions of 2 hours each week for the next 5 $200 bucks a pop.
1. I no longer have sciatica problems from my broken back.
2. I no longer have knee-pain from the knee I had operated on 22 years ago.
3. I can do do deep-squats, which I could not do 20 years ago.
4. I can now KICK again...even doing triple-kicks with the leg that was not working-well 8 months ago.
5. and much, much more.

When I taught it to Darren Van Lehn [during his private-lesson tonight], the big SOB literally looked 3 inches taller after I was done...and then he moved like a Freaking Mountain-Cat on Methamphetamine during fighting-class.
I could not believe how fast, coordinated and agile
he became in only 10 seconds.
The only one that could take-him-down was Master-Jack La Tourrette [who I trained in the same drill months back].
The good news is, WE FILMED IT.
1. It is on 2-DVD's...
2. and we will have a training manual to go with it by next week.
3. next week we will give you on-line access next week. For next week only [it ends next Friday] it's only $99 bucks. Then it's gone at that price.
Email Jack La Tourrette privately if interested or Click a link like this one.
PS There is a lot more on those 2-DVD's and that one Training-Manual.
A lot more on energy-work...on grounding...and how to explosively attack someone, and they cannot even see you hit them 6 times in 3/10's of 1 second.
Making sense?
Dr. John La Tourrette
"What are other people saying about..
The Ten-Second Energy Declogger"!
BY Dr. John La Tourrette
"People Just Like You Are Ordering From FaceBook!"

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