Dear Friend,
Look! I used to train hard. The 4-hour workouts. 7 days a week, every week!
But I didn't start getting real fast hitting speed until I did less- a lot less! It all started when I met the SPEED MAN.
First, let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen a real human move with the speed and deadly agility of a hungry panther on Benzedrine?
Well, I have.
Here's how it happened.
It was a one day seminar held in Colorado Springs, the home of the United States Olympic Training Center. Most of us had never used SPEED TRAINING before. In fact, some of us had never heard of Dr. La Tourrette! We were a bit nervous about how it would all turn out, but La Tourrette was Great!
It was a one day seminar held in Colorado Springs, the home of the United States Olympic Training Center. Most of us had never used SPEED TRAINING before. In fact, some of us had never heard of Dr. La Tourrette! We were a bit nervous about how it would all turn out, but La Tourrette was Great!
It started by the SPEED MAN asking me to hit him. So I did. I threw a right haymaker through his head. He exploded into action just like he was Dirty Harry. His controlled eruption of lightning-fast devastation flowed over me as I tried to scream. In under 2 seconds the SPEED MAN had churned me up and spit me out with a total of 24 nerve-slamming, gonad- bouncing hits. That's when I knew about REAL-GOOD-FAST Speed Hitting. I mean I really knew, because I had felt it.
This SPEED MAN could annihilate me, all my friends, all of us, within seconds and not spill his morning coffee. I have seen him in action. I have been touched by him in a way that sent me flying across the room, and I never even saw his arm move!
It seems hard for me to believe that after all this time in karate and Jiu- Jitsu I could find a teacher who could "wow" me again, but that's exactly what happened.
Anyway, now I have to brag about him a little. I don't mind it, and its necessary-to prove that getting his speed training "stuff". . .
"It's Going to Be the Smartest Thing You Ever Did!"
The SPEED MAN is a professional Sports Trainer, has a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology, holds a 10th Degree Black Belt, and he knows to teach SPEED FIGHTING

He's written as a professional for Black Belt, Inside Kung-Fu, Soldier ofFortune, Warrior, Kick Illustrated, etc. . . .
He's had 19 successful martial arts books published.
39 large training manuals published.
118 special reports published and 367 Martial Art Training DVD's produced.
He's a Master Instructor and he knows how to teach you what Speed Hitting is all about.
As you noticed above the SPEED MAN…

I also Want To Give You a Few other tools to help you on your jouney as you evole into the SPEED HITTER You Need To Become...
FREE BONUS #1 ($97.00 BONUS)
"How To Train For Speed & Power!"
"I heard your only born with speed and power"... I found out it was bullshit. You just need to train Right! Look, I was slow.. I tried.. all kinds of crazy excercises to increase my speed. Nothing Worked Until I tried this. |

FREE BONUS #2 ($97.00 BONUS)
"How To Be 2-3 Times Faster Then You Ever Been Before TONIGHT!"
So I Go Through the whole "Speed Hack" sequence here... You Get Everything To Make It work Quick for you Today!
Often Less then 3-10 Seconds! |
FREE BONUS #3 ($97.00 BONUS)
"The Most Worthless Stance
and How To Change Your
Stance For SPEED
Or Less! "
Your Stance, is literally your BUILDING BLOCKS... Your foundation...What if we could make just 1 change in your Stance and You'd Instantly be quicker! |
FREE BONUS #4 ($97.00 BONUS)
To Increase SPEED and POWER!"
We know.. martial arts is about 10% physical and 90% Mental.
Here is the #1 MIND-Hack To Increase Your Speed Today! |
FREE BONUS #5 ($97.00 BONUS)
"How To DESTROY The Attackers with Power Hitting, Pressure Points and SPEED HITTING!"
We all Know, Speed is Dangerous... Size is Dangerous.. Power is Dangerous... and Exact Targeting is "SCARY Dangerous"...
Get some of the most lethal Pressure Point Strikes Here. |
FREE BONUS #6 ($197.00 BONUS)
So I Go Through the whole "Energy Hack" sequence here... You Get Everything To Make It work Quick for you Today! Often Less then 3-10 Seconds! |

Get Both,
Physical + Digital
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"Instant Access" |
"Don't Think About It, Just Do It." |
And you will want to kick yourself in the butt for missing out on those events . ..
but a very, very good, very valuable "second best" is available to you: This is his "new" LARGE BEST SELLER titled simply "SECRETS of ADVANCED SPEED HITTING: HOW TO HIT A MAN 11 TIMES IN 1 SECOND BEFORE HE CAN BLINK AN EYE!"
Some of the most advanced "speed fighting" strategies and teachings recorded in print or on DVD anywhere, PERIOD!
It is crammed full of really meaty, powerful speed strategies. . .little known…
lost secrets…information. . .blunt talk. . .real value. This is a highly impactful best seller, and "you get all of it for just helping with S&H if you order within 24 hours.
This material took 29 years to research and compile. It cost us more than $122,781 in courses. Your investment, NOW its FREE!
"This Is Truly a Crazy OFFER"
Here's My Super sneaky ulterior motive...
Sometime soon the SPEED MAN is going to put on more seminars and release his newest projects. . . and he wants to INSURE that there'll be A LOT OF PEOPLE very, very eager for what’rsquo;s coming.
That’s it, that’s why I am giving away this course for Cost (I just need your help with the S&H)
The best way to do that is let you see, study, and absorb some of what you've already missed. . . the best SPEED HITTING skills you can own without holding a gun in your hand.
Advanced Speed Hitting Doesn't Require a "black belt," nor a martial arts education.
Advanced Speed Hitting doesn't require lots of money.
You don't need hundreds of bucks’ worth of equipment.
It doesn't require "luck." I've had more than my share, and I'm not
promising that you'll get as 'fast' as the SPEED MAN is.
YOU MAY GET FASTER! Some of his students have. But Speed isn't everything. Winning is what counts!
Get Both,
Physical + Digital
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"Instant Access" |
"Don't Think About It, Just Do It." |
It doesn't require "talent." Just enough brains to know what to look for. And La Tourrette will tell you that.
It doesn't require "youth." One of our clients is 67 and he's pounding 20-year-olds. Another is only 14 and is easily beating black belts intournaments.
It doesn't require "experience." Some of our fastest people are only beginners.
What does it require? BELIEF. Enough to take a chance. Enough to absorb what the SPEED MAN will send you.
Enough to put the principles into action. If you do just that, nothing more, nothing less-the results will be hard to believe.
A No-Hassel Guarantee!
You don't have to give up your current lessons. But in 6 weeks you'll have improved so much your present instructors are going to be jealous. you'll have improved so much your present instructors are going to be jealous. Once again - I guarantee it.
The SPEED MAN told me something I never forgot. "Most karate people are too busy sweating to get real fast, or real street-smart." Don't take as long as I did to find out La Tourrette was right.
I'll prove it to you, if you'll just help me out with the cost and S&H I’ll send you this $387.00 Advanced Speed Hitting Course for $39 bucks, and you’ll know for yourself. I'm not asking you to "believe" me. JUST TRY IT.
If I'm wrong, all you've lost is a couple minutes of your time and you still get $973 bucks worth of secrets for FREE. But what if I’m right?
"A $387.00 Value!"
When you order before 21 days from today's date or until our stock runs out, I'll send you the complete Advanced Speed Hitting 1.0 worth more than $387.00 bucks For FREE just help me with the Shipping & Handling. . . . just for trying out ADVANCED SPEED HITTING. HOW TO HIT A MAN 11 TIMES IN 1 SEC OR LESS, BEFORE
HE CAN BLINK AN EYE. How can you lose except by just sitting on your butt and doing nothing.
We have a proven, sure-fire SPEED HITTING method that will work for anyone if they have any brains at all.
So Here’s What I want you do ‘right now’ before we run out of stock…Is, I want You Try Out Our
ADVANCED Speed Hitting for FREE just help me with the Shipping & Handling.
“Here’s the 2 of the Easiest & Fastest Ways To Get Our ADVANCED Speed Hitting 2.0! For FREE just help me with the Shipping & Handling.
#1 Fastest Way To Get $387.00 In Speed Training For FREE just help me with the Shipping & Handling is Click a Link like this one or just Click The Big red Button thats saids Get Speed Hitting Now!
When you do that I will give you Instant Online Access to Speed Hitting, even if its at 2 in the Am. Then I will send you your physical DVD set and Advance Training Manuals right to your door step.
2nd Fastest Way To Get $387.00 In Speed Training For FREE just help me with the Shipping & Handling is “Call Us” at (541) 535-3188