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“The REAL Science Behind Sledge Hammer Blows“The SECRET & Lost Martial Science of Iron Fist & Iron Palm, Brick-Smashing-Power With Lightening Speed & Poison Hands!”
“Enjoy the tremendous power of SledgeHammer blows, at any age, in any physical shape, blended with the Blinding Speed and the Magic Insider’s knowledge of 6,000 year old Energy Strategies and Tactics. This is dramatically changing the self-confidence level and street performance Survival levels of Black Belts literally overnight.”

By Jack Williams

  This report is about power. It is about courage. It is about wisdom. It is about “real workable” one stop “take out” shots. 

  Look at Sam, a martial arts trained cop in San Diego, who bare handedly stopped 8 rapists, 5 ending up in the hospital.

  See skinny Chow, who fought off 3 thugs in a bar brawl, sending them to the hospital.

  Look at Oyama, when attacked by a thug with a knife, killed him with one blow.

  • These people knew where to hit.
  • They knew how-to-hit REAL HARD.
  • They knew how to hit Real Fast
  • They had the Courage to fight back when eye-ball-to-eye-ball.
  •  They had the Guts to do what was necessary.

  They weren’t insipid wimps or powder-puffs like skinny Master Suk getting his face caved in. Here’s what happened.

  Suk leaped in the air and kicked the opposition full power in the chest, and bounced like a handball.  Suk punched him in the mouth. That hit didn’t dent his smile.

  The guy absorbed those “baby slaps”, grabbed Suk and smashed his face…while muttering, “Don’t you know that baby slaps don’t work?”

  And it’s real hard to tell the difference between lousy & want-ta-bees & the ones who can really do and TEACH what they say they can do.

  The man behind SledgeHammer Blows is Doc La Tourrette, PhD, Sports Psychology, Energy/Healing Trainer, 10th Dan, Ex-Army Security Ag. & authority in Peak Performance.

  He’s trained Mercs, Military, Bikers, Cops, Prison guards, and more than 32,721 civies. They call him “Doc Quick Kill” & “Doc Death “cause his stuff  really works.

Here's a Bit about what theThe REAL Science Behind Sledge Hammer Blows, The Science of Iron Fist & Iron Palm Will GIVE You!

The Lost Power Accelerators that turn any   strike into a devastation package.
The Lost Mass Accelerators for Sledge Hammer Hits
The Lost Speed Accelerators for Power Hitting.
Learn brick breaking & Bone Smashing
How to break a river boulder in less than 10 minutes.
How Speed Hitting makes Sledge Hammer Blows much more effective
the Ultimate Power Connection for every strike
The correct way to generate 350% more power, instantly
The Secret of developing the Iron Palm.
The Iron Fist in a Mass Attack situation.
Multiple Sledge hammer blows with Speed Attacks
Internal Energy to develop Iron Fist.
What is the first thing to do in developing Sledge hammer blows?
Breath Control for power.
Avoid large deformed knuckles
Find out the 5 different purposes of Breath control for Speed.
Tripled the pressure behind power hits in 30 minutes.
How to divert the opposition’s attention
The Secret Behind REAL Courage
Poison Hand with Sledge Hammer Blows.
Most effective training methods to turn your fist into a battering-ram
Double Hitting Speed in under a minute.
Read The opposition’s mind
Invisible Power Hits without being seen.
How to crush target as if you were a 1,000 lb. Boulder.
How to install confidence in yourself without getting into a fight.
How to hit him first, even if he starts first.
How to spin your energies into his Path of Aggression.
Secrets of Flow Hitting, moving from one Power Hit to another.
The invention of the home training tool, Doc’s Power Board.
A small tactic that increases your reactions instantly.
Increase Fight Awareness INSTANTLY.
These 5 things KILL your power.
Why most karate books are wrong on Iron Fist teachings.
What to do to get him to turn tail and run.
Turn your opponent into a marshmallow.
One simple mistake that robs you of your power instantly.
The six home training tools that gives you sledge hammer blows over night.
Staying Out of Jail, afterwards.
What 4 things do you need to do to turn on your Stealth Mode”
Turn all your strikes into invisible, secret weapons?

Here's What You're Going To Get!

DVD #1, The Real Secrets Behind Sledge Hammer Blows. DVD covers secrets of developing Sledge Hammer blows, Iron Fist punches, & Iron Palm Strikes. Doc’s Secret tools and his patented training methods. This guerrilla DVD is brand new! Value $100.00.

DVD #2, The Real Secrets On how To Combine Iron Fist Training, and Iron Palm Training with High Speed Hits, Critical Distance, Tactical Awareness and Dim Mak (Poison Hand nerve cavity technologies)”. DVD is brand new! Value $100.00.


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Large Training Manual, “Street Wise, Hard-Core Speed Fighting Secrets for Instant Self-Defense Even If Fighting Dirty Harry!” Catalog Value: $49.95

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Jack Williams!
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