No matter how many years you’ve trained in karate, you’ll never understand the difference explosive Power Speed Training makes until you’ve learned Instant Speed Magic™...

“How To Get The Lost Secrets
of Speed Hitting™…Speed Kicking™…
Power Hitting™ & Poison-Hands™
Nerve-Cavity-Strikes™ You’ve Ever
Wanted For Your Martial Art…
100% Guaranteed!”

©By Jack Williams

"And...'NO'...I'm not going to charge our normal fee for it. Instead, I've create an incredible Guerilla Advanced Speed Magic course that's jam-packed with tons of Speedman's closery guarded secrets on Speed Fighting, Speed Kicking, Posion-Hand Nerve-Cavity Strikes, etc, and he's going to virtually give it away to you.

Who has used this course? “Full contact fighters, police officers, self-defense experts, karate school owners, professional soldiers, sheriff departments, women self-defense classes, cage fighters, biker’s, world rated fighters, prison guards, and almost every other martial art style you can think of have all used the Speedman’s secrets to increase their hitting speed, kicking speed, street lethal skills and competition skills like mad!”

Dear Speed Hitting Inner Circle Member,

Let me tell you some facts about who trains with our Guerrilla Advanced Guerrilla Speed Fighting™ Systems.

Let’s look at a couple of the Speedman’s students. Josiah has had 97 tournament matches, and has won all but two. He took 1st place Grand Champion in the Canadian Tiger Bomb Internationals, and he became the Pacific Northwest black belt champion.

Then there’s full contact fighter Dr. Nall who came back from a fight in the Bahamas. He’s so good with Doc’s Advanced Speed-Fighting Secrets that he had to carry his opponent the last couple of rounds so the guy wouldn’t look too bad. Dr. Nall walked away from that with a $25,000.00 cash purse.

Next, a couple of years back, on the Island of Jersey just off the coast of France, 3 of the Speedman’s 1st degree Black Belts (John, Steve and Barry) fought in the European Kenpo Karate Black Belt championships and they came back with the top 3 honors, first place, second place and third place…

“…They Easily Beat & Defeated All Other Contenders From Around The World!”

Another one of Doc’s DVD students (Norm) was attacked by 2 black muggers in Chicago. Those guys set him up very effectively, one in front, and the other in back. Norm knocked the 1st street punk out cold in less than 2/10’s of 1 second, before he could even blink his eye, and then wheeled around to take out the 2nd bad guy.

He was too late. The 2nd bad guy had seen his buddies face smash into the ground so he tucked his tail between his legs and raced away like the Devil was chasing him!

Now I don’t know if you can be as panther fast, and Bruce Lee quick as these guys, but…

“I Guarantee It Will Work For You And Your Martial Art.”

            I hear the horror stories nearly every day. A black belt gets pushed around on a street corner… a karate school owner won’t teach his students sparring because he doesn’t know how to spar and fears looking stupid… a lady black belt who’s trained for 5 years gets raped by a drunk…a sparring champion gets knifed in a bar fight…I even know one 4th degree Jiu-Jitsu black belt that got whomped by an aggressive drunken cowboy.

            It’s a shame, but many martial arts are totally worthless and non-effective. And it’s NOT their fault!
            That’s NOT the worst of it. The Speedman had our staff interview 129 self-defense schools about speed training.

All the schools said they taught speed, but they didn’t. In fact they have no clue to what “really being fast” is. They think that “punching like a turtle” is fast, when it’s slower than pouring cold molasses.

We asked them about slow retarded tactics of fist-to-hip cocking, lock-out punches, sissy stepping, kicking off the rear leg, floor drills where students hit air and kick air, deep horse stances that impede movement, ritualistic “pretend” 3 step sparring, and a lot of other out-of-style training drills that really SLOW’S DOWN YOUR fighting speed, YOUR fighting accuracy and YOUR fighting proficiency.

            The sickening fact is, only one of the 129 self-defense studios offered any type of speed-flow training for Street Practical Speed Fighting. The bottom line is, and this is important, so PLEASE pay attention, the rest of the so-called experts at fighting were doing…

“…Bad Training That Could Actually Make Your Reaction Time Slower And Might Get You Killed!”

Here’s Another Horror Story!

Sammy Franco was a black belt in an American Freestyle Karate. He’d spent 3 ½ years training with an instructor that was incompetent but just “talked good”... His instructor was a sloppy, fat white guy who advertised himself as a world champion (he’d won one tournament 35 years ago), when he was really only a self-promoted fraud who actually snorted “blow”, does crank and smokes dope with his low-class clientel.

When poor Franco came to us he incorrectly thought a nerve-cavity shot was a reverse punch to the head. (It’s not! On the head alone there are more than 52 EFFECTIVE nerve-cavity targets!)

He was told by his sloppy and fake trainer to, “Just keep trying to hit harder and harder until one day he would mysteriously gain enough power so he could crush a skull as easily as he could crush an eggshell”. It will never happen.

Franco hadn’t a clue that on the head/neck area are more than 52 VALID and REAL Poison Hand targets that work so dangerously well that even a well trained 90 pound woman can strike them effectively and seem like a Dirty Harry.

Nor did he know any of the proper target angles, proper target directions, proper natural Poison Hand weapons to be used, nor the proper depth of target penetration. After Training with Doc’s DVD’s Franco now knows what he wants in the martial arts and how he can actually plan out his future with valid training and to really be as good as he wants to be.
My friend, please plan your martial arts future just like Sammy Franco is doing.

The brutal reality is, many karate trainers are just no good.

Some are egomaniacs, lunatics with low level skills, and no teaching skills.

Others, who might have skills, hold back their best secrets so they’ll always have an edge over you.

And others, in today’s world of “lawyer mania” and the fear of thinking if you stick up for yourself and your loved ones, you’ll end up in jail. So they do nothing and teach nothing because it’s considered evil by those around them.

There is only one person in the world that has the responsibility for your own skill advancement, for your own safety, and for your own martial arts knowledge.

“You, You, You and
Only You. . . PERIOD!”

Anyway, towards this realist end of achieving speed secrets, sledge hammer power blows, and the hidden knowledge of nerve cavity strikes, stun points and INSTANT knock outs, the Speedman has put together a 4 DVD’s Speed Fighting™ video action pack called Instant Speed Magic™.

This is good knowledge even if your current training program is okay, now you can now double, triple, or even quadruped the results you’re getting with the Speedman’s proven secrets. And it’s easy once you know the…

“Step-By-Step System For Developing More Speed, Learning The Nerve Cavity Targets And Street Kicking Secrets That Work!”

This newly released Speed Hitting Nerve Cavity Secrets home study course makes REAL Speed Fighting a breeze. . .even for someone who’s never done 3 hits a second, let alone 11-18 hits a second, let alone nerve cavity strikes.

And you can get this comprehensive course for a tiny fraction of what you’d have to pay normally. It’s called. .
Instant Speed Magic: The Complete Guide To Developing
Speed, Power,  Stun Points & Knock-Blows That Work!”

Instant Speed Magic™ is unquestionable guaranteed to help you get all the speed secrets you can handle and. . .

You get a No-Risk, 12 Month, Money Back Guarantee
Try, “Instant Speed Magic™, the complete guide to developing Speed, Power & Stun Points that work!” for the next 12 months. If, after you’ve put the Speedman’s proven techniques to the test and tried them for one full year, you find that Instant Speed Magic™ hasn’t brought you loads more skill level than we say, simply return it for a full refund, less P & H.

Instant Speed Magic™ is your complete “Encyclopedia tour guide” to creating the Speed Fighting™ “blitz” to obtain secret Speed Fighting skills that generate power, flexibility and effective action in your martial art.

Here’s what you get in the
Instant Speed Magic Package…

  • The SPEED ATTACK Guerrilla DVD, “How To Hit a Man From 6 Feet Away, Before He Can Blink an Eye!” Crammed full of power packed closing gap information that reveals the Speedman’s proven step by step formula for fighting outside and beyond the opposition’s reach, SO HE CAN’T TOUCH YOU, but still being able to zap him at will. . . time and time again! Secrets of how to close the reactionary gap unseen! $97.95
  • You get his easy to follow SPEED FIGHTING™ Guerrilla DVD, which shows you in step-by-step, easily understood and learned bites the fighting strategies of some of the world’s best fighters. . . i.e. Bruce Lee (On this guerrilla DVD the Speedman spilt-the-beans that the “big boys” didn’t want spilled. And they’re made as a wet hen that one of you is going to kick their butts! $97.95
  • Next you get his STREET SPEED KICKING™ Guerrilla DVD which covers How To kick a Man on the Street Before He Can Even See Your Foot Move!” There are ways of kicking faster and better. Speed trained feet are 3 to 4 times faster than the hands of an improperly trained opponent. It’s also the long-range mode where the Secret “V” Kicks from ancient China are used. Also, how-to-kick someone on the ground, and how to kick when on the ground, or on your knees. $97.95
  • The Forth DVD in the Instant Speed Magic™ Guerrilla DVD course is the SPEED FIGHTING SECRETS TO POISION HANDS AND NERVE CAVITY STRIKES™ Guerrilla DVD’s, where you can drop-an-opponent with one finger. NOTE: If your style doesn’t teach poison Hands, then you are NOT studying a true martial art. On poison hands technologies, invisible speed and pin-point targeting are the two most important secrets. When you have speed and accuracy on your side, even a skinny wimp or an old frail guy can easily and quickly “drop” the bad guy.

These LOST Poison hand skills are based on Ancient fighting arts more than 1,249 years old. They were originally taught behind closed doors and by the dark of the moon! (2 hours long) $197.50

The above Guerrilla DVD’s cover more lost secrets like:

  • The very first thing you must do before training in high-Speed Martial arts.
  • 27 fail-safe test that every karate style must pass before you use it!
  • Exact strike-by-strike samples of street lethal speed kill techniques that easily increase your speed past eleven hits per second!
  • How-to-guarantee that your strike hits the exact target, does what it’s supposed to, while keeping you and your loved ones safe at the same time!
  • Time tested points that work every time and how to do them!
  • The real reasons people choose to fight –the secret truth long known by the “masters” finally revealed!
  • How to “suck-em-in range” so your attack always work!
  • 24 sure-fire fighting formulas you can plug right into to create sizzling hot lightening fast kicks with ease!
  • The most important part of every fight set-up!
  • The easy 6-step system for creating hi-speed-fighting technologies that gets your opponent fast!
  • 12 proven strategies to instantly get “in the fighter’s mind set” to crank out lightening-bolt punches whenever you want!
  • 19 instant ways to improve you speed. . . after you’ve done all you can to make it your best!
  • How to know if your opponent is a non-responder and how to put him down anyway.
  • The inside secrets of how to create a fight force field around you that forces your opponent to hesitate!

With Speed Magic™ Guerrilla DVD package you’ll be demonstrating speed just like you were Bruce Lee. Here’s what else you’ll get out of this course…

  • 13 tips and tricks for confusing your opponent so you can strike him easily whenever you want!
  • The essential elements of Street Speed Kicking™ and how you can use them!
  • The 11-step fighting formula that anyone can use to have techniques 100 times more potent than Rambo!
  • The best way to cloud the mind opposition!
  • DON’T do THIS! The 12 mistakes most black belts make and how you can avoid them!
  • Exactly how you can get all the strikes in a second that you’d ever want!
  • 10 guaranteed ways to increase your poison hand effectiveness, without changing your martial art style!
  • The little known ingredient you must understand to make sure your Speed Magic™ works!
  • How to create power strikes that guarantees the outcome you want!
  • The Urban Commando Method™. 10 secrets to building a low profile arsenal that’s covert and legal!
  • The best kept speed hitting secret in the world. How anyone (even karate virgins) can train secretly and execute more than 11 hits in less than on second (some people can do 18.3)!
  • SCUD buster!! How not to get blown away by an aggressive opponent. A simple way to make sure your attack lands first with enough “oomph!” that he forgets about striking back!
  • The Smart Bomb of Sledgehammer Blows™. Make targets cave-in like a tin can!
  • The Black Arts of Fighting! See the secret technologies of the mind you can use quickly, safely and easily to enhance and hone your skills to the level of success you’ve always dream of!

This is just the beginning of all you’ll get from the Guerrilla Speed magic™ Package. The Speedman’s approach to coming up with “faster than the eye” strikes and Devastating Poison Hands™ is completely different than anything you’ve ever seen, read, or heard before – and what’s more, I am absolutely convinced that you can do it, once you’ve trained with it.

Okay. Why should I listen to the Speedman? First I have to brag about him a bit, and I don’t mind it and it is necessary to prove that getting his Guerrilla Speed Magicis going to be the smartest thing for you to do. He is Dr. John La Tourrette and has been teaching martial arts as a Professional since 1962.

Doc’s a 2007 Hall of Fame award winner…has a California recognized PhD in Sports Psychology…is a professional sports trainer…holds an “earned” 10th Degree black belt…he’s written as a professional and world-authority in the field for Black Belt, for Soldier of Fortune, for Kick Illustrated, etc…he’s had over 19 successful martial arts books published…over 39 large training manuals published…and 367 Advanced Martial Arts Guerrilla DVD’s produced.

EXTRA FREE $150 bonus for 1st 27 people who respond within the next 10 days

FREE BONUS #1: The Speedman wrote an Advanced Speed training title, The Way To Power-Secrets of Pure Speed Hitting™. This Advanced Training Manual has gone through 5 printings and sells in our catalog for $150 each. The Speedman has decided NOT to republish it, and we have only 57 copies left in stock. Those who respond 1st, can get a $150.00 giant Advanced Speed Fighting™ manual “FREE” with their order. Its first come, first served!

This “Crash Course” training manual is only for those serious athletes, who want to learn how to win. . .
‘The Best Way, and The Fastest Way Possible”
This FREE $150 bonus covers secrets like. . .

  • The speed fighter’s attitude training course that increases your awareness up to 2,000 times!
  • How a 2nd degree Taekwon-do black belt went from 4 hits a second to over 14 hits per second in less than 30 days!
  • The top bar bouncer in Hawaii for 2 years reveals how the Speedman made him the best of the bets!
  • 10 ways to increase your tournament results without getting any better!
  • What NOT to do even if your kung-fu Guru tells you to. You’ll get hurt!
  • The 18 basic kicking mistakes and what you do instead!
  • Secrets of speed fighting against a knife. How to take it away before he sees you move!
  • 171 proven concepts for speed fighters!
  • The Master’s tool that makes targets cave-in like a tin can. A Real “no brainer”.
  • The “Smart Bomb” nerve cavity strike even tiny frail people can use successful against King Kong.
  • The Secret technique of “Seeing” the opponent, even before he knows you’re there.
  • The 4 type of fighters and how to dust them off any time you desire.
  • Speed fighting secrets that always work against a gun.

Now listen, somewhere along the line you’re going to realize that the secrets in this FREE Advanced manual is worth thousands of dollars standing alone, even though it’s free to the first 27 men that order Speed Magic™ within the next 10 days.

ANOTHER $197 FREE BONUS: We know that many train in styles that do NOT have our Master Keys, and that know nothing about the real Secrets of moving fast, moving invisibly and moving with power.

So Doc forced us to throw in a second huge FREE bonus (value $197) for those that contact us right now, within 10 days. Doc has affiliated schools all over the world. To help them learn the REAL Master Keys he has a set of DVD’s titled “Secrets of Being Street Lethalthat goes over the first years worth of actual training you’d do in his own personal school. He charges $50 a half hour. So the real value of this FREE BONUS, over a year’s time is huge…more than $7,000.00…which is yours for FREE.
      THIS IS IMPORTANT! Our DVD’s are NOT Walt Disney Productions (but they are DAMN GOOD!). They don’t have fancy animations, high priced graphics nor pretty back ground music. We do have advanced, good, solid, street practical world class speed technologies and Poison Hand Secrets with professional content so you can learn quickly, easily, privately and at an affordable price! These guerrilla DVD’s are pure 24k gold content of little known martial art secrets.

      Listen up. The Speedman has authorized me to give a special one-time offer, for the next 10 days only.

You, as an INNER CIRCLE MEMBER, can receive all of the Instant Speed Magic Guerrilla DVD’s (an $838.80 value) and the $150 Speed Fightingmanual (if you hurry), and the $197 Secrets of How-to-be Street Lethalfor the one-time price of only $97 (plus $17.50 S&H, or $49 S&H outside of the USA) you save over $742 bucks, when you order within 10 days, and are among the first 27 to order!

Yes! Only $97 bucks for $838.80 worth of Advance Speed Fighting Secrets!!!

Why is the Speedman doing this?

There are several reasons. The first reason is, the Speedman is just one heck of a “nice” guy.

The second reason is…he likes to help people evolve their REAL self-defense skill level. He feels much of today’s martial world is totally lacking in speed training, nerve cavity secrets and mind control tactics. He knows that by sharing his secrets with you he can help you gain those lost secrets.

So it’s up to you. Only you can train with his Guerrilla Speed Magic course and know it’s the right course for you. But this deal ends in 10 days and if you don’t act on it right now, it is gone forever.

So give me a call at 1-541-535-3188 or the fastest way to order is click a link like this one.


I have a set of these 4 guerilla DVD’s and the Speed Hitters Training Manual (only 27 copies left!) And The FREE (value $197) Street Lethal Course sitting right here on my desk ready to send to you.

Thank you for your attention.


Jack Williams
P.S. If you want to discover how to quickly and easily do Speed Kicks, Poison Hands and Invisible Strikes from out of range, you need to jump in right now! Instant Speed Magic give you everything you need to create more powerful, lightening fast, nerve cavities techniques from the get-go. Pick up your phone right this minute and call our 24 hour order line at 1-541-535-3188 right now BEFORE THEY ARE GONE!

P.P.S. Remember you must order before 10 days are up to get in on this low price (only $97 bucks for $838.80 worth of rare and valuable fighting secrets) AND to get the $349 of FREE BONUSES! If you really want to kick your skills and awareness into high gear, you won’t want to miss out on Instant Speed Magic.

Once the 57 copies of The Way To Power, Speed Fighting Secrets are gone, after that you will not be able to get the FREE giant manual. Nor will you be able to get the FREE 1 year DVD course (a $197 value) on Secrets of Street Lethal™.

Sorry. This FREE manual and DVD Street Lethal Crash Course Bonus is a $349.00 value. . . and that’s a lot of “FREE STUFF” to be giving out to just anyone.

Call 541-535-3188 now! Or go to just click the add to cart button right now and secure your set!